Sunday School meets at the same time as church services on Sundays from 10 AM to 11 AM.
Enrollment: Open to children ages 4 to 20.
Childcare is provided at all services for those too young to attend the service or Sunday School.
What is instruction like?
The younger classes focus on understanding basic teachings such as the Ten Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer, and popular Bible stories. The older classes learn to apply healing principles behind Christian Science to everyday life situations. Class is informal and focuses on reading the Bible, reading Science and Health, casual lectures, sharing testimonies, and a question/answer system to foster dialogue.
How are classes organized?
By age and grade level.
What should my child wear?
We don’t mind if they come in pajamas or all dressed up for Sunday brunch, as long as you, the parent, are okay with what they wear.
Who are the teachers?
The teachers are experienced Christian Scientists dedicated to helping young people learn the valuable lessons of the Bible through the teachings of Christian Science.